Our next Open Day will be on November 18th 2021
You can watch our 2020 virtual open days here - Open Day for Musical Theatre Course or the Open Day for Acting Course
Our open days will give you the chance to watch classes in action, meet our students and chat to staff! You will be able to ask any questions that you have, and see first-hand why our Foundation Courses have industry-leading success rates. Please note – our Autumn open day is usually heavily subscribed, so please book early to avoid disappointment.
9.30am - Musical Theatre (Foundation Course in Musical Theatre and Vocational Sixth Form in Musical Theatre)
2pm - Acting (Foundation Course in Acting and Vocational Sixth Form in Acting)
Parents/carers are most welcome and encouraged to attend our open days. Please click BOOK NOW on this page and state in the enquiry form which course(s) you are interested in and which session(s) you would like to attend - Musical Theatre (a.m.) / Acting (p.m.) and how many places. We will email back with confirmation.
For more information on our courses download our READ College Prospectus or contact our Administration & Admissions Manager, Janet Lake, on 0118 9666275 or contact us by email